Why hurt the lower back and the back on the sides give the pain in the lower

The pain in the sides and bottom of the back is a phenomenon that can have dozens of reasons, ranging from musculo-skeletal diseases, ending with a deficiency of the work of the organs of the abdominal cavity and the urinary system.

To diagnose a pathology, causing an unpleasant sensation to the rear, in the area of the blades, you must first determine the nature and characteristics of unpleasant sensations. That means the pain that is felt simultaneously with the two parties in the back and the sides, or if such a state result in a serious risk to health?

The causes of the pathology

The pain that is felt simultaneously on the side of the lower back and in several places, a drug called indirect, the mechanism of its development lies in the stimulation of several branches of the nerve.

For this reason, the pain on the bottom, entrusts it to other places, in some cases, indicates that the symptoms are so vague and fuzzy, that even the patient himself is not able to identify the source.


In the perspective of the size and the sides are of different authorities – it is the lower part of the lumbar spine and of the pole, the kidneys, the organs of the abdomen, the reproductive organs in women, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis if the pain syndrome in the sides and the lower back should consult your doctor.

Discomfort in the back and sides may occur in healthy people due to hypothermia or excessive exercise, but in this case, they are temporary and disappear after the rest.

Types of

The nature of the pain plays an important role in the determination of its causes – each of the diseases has different clinical characteristics to consider when establishing the diagnosis.

  • Acute pain is characteristic for the states that require a prompt treatment to the doctor, and sometimes immediate medical care. It testifies to serious health conditions in the internal organs or structures of the spinal column – it consists of liver and renal colic, a disease of the GASTRO-intestinal tract, kidneys and the reproductive system of the acute phase, a hernia of the spine, neuralgia.
  • The discomfort occurs in chronic conditions, most often in diseases of the spine – osteochondrosis, protrusion, scoliosis, etc, especially if it occurs after a long stay in a position or exercise.
  • Pulling the syndrome of pain is a common symptom of the disease of the reproductive and urinary system in women, as well as disorders of the liver.
  • In addition, it is often observed in pregnant women in the second or third trimester of pregnancy because of the pressure the growing fetus.
  • A dull pain can testify to the inflammatory or infectious process in the gall bladder and kidneys, and sometimes disease of the lumbar spine and sacral spine.
  • Net of the pain attacks are observed during the radiculitis, protrusion and herniated discs, and hepatic and renal colic, spasms of the intestine, and other organs.
  • The malaise that prevails continuously, reveals infectious and inflammatory, pathologies of the bladder, kidneys and the reproductive system may also be felt during the pregnancy.
  • Syndrome the pain, is usually a symptom of pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system, urinary system, gynecological diseases: severe pain in such cases, speaks of the acute phase of the illness, the weakness – of the chronic form.

The character of the pain is subjective, so determining the cause of the disease solely on this indicator, it is impossible and you have to take into account other symptoms, and other factors.

Why give to the right and to the left

The disease of the spine

The degenerative processes, injuries, and other pathologies in vertebrae, intervertebral discs, or structures close to it (nerves, muscles) – the common causes of unpleasant sensations in the sides.

Most often, in this case, the suffering lumbar or крестцовый the department of spine, the less the pain may go under because of damage and chest.

The offset of the spinal discs

Spondylolisthesis is a shifting of the body of the vertebra relative to each other with a deviation of the axis of the spine. In people, this condition is often referred to as the "displacement of intervertebral disc", but such a formulation is incorrect, as can only change the vertebrae.

The pathology develops for a variety of reasons (injuries, age changes, errors, load, etc) and causes irritation of the nerve fibers or at their expense, which causes swelling, inflammation or acute pain in the back.


The degenerative changes of the spine, or pain in the lower back, most often observed in the elderly.

Due to the impact of negative factors of the feeding process of the cartilages of the spine are raped because of what they lose their elasticity and ability to regenerate.


The main symptoms of the degenerative disease of the disk limits the mobility of the spine and burning, ноющие or pulsing pain in the back, including, in the bottom of the back and sides.

When the manifestation of symptoms, make sure you apply a visit to the doctor.

Vertebral fractures

A fracture of the vertebrae – a serious injury, musculoskeletal disorder, which requires a long and thorough treatment. The violation of the integrity of the bone occurs due to the exposure (blow, fall, etc) and manifests itself mainly in the pain syndrome.

Its characteristics depend on the extent and location of damage, but more often the syndrome of intense pain, herpes zoster of the nature, accompanied by neurological disorders – disorders of sensitivity in the legs, headaches, etc


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, which generates the asymmetry of the shape and disrupt the functioning of the internal organs.

On the early stages of the disease is manifested by discomfort and pain syndrome in the different divisions of the back (with lesions of the lumbar region, they are located in the sides and lower back), increased fatigue and impaired mobility of the spine, during the execution of the pathological, the process of encountering problems with urination and defecation.

The spondylarthrosis

The spondylarthrosis (Ankylosing spondylitis) is a quite rare pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which strikes between vertebrates, shoulder straps and the hip joints.

In a number of its symptoms include pain in the back and the sides, which are enhanced when the muscle tension and a change of weather, the curvature of the spine, paresis, and paralysis. The disease is incurable, progressing slowly but surely, and usually leads to disability.

Копчиковая hernia

Копчиковая the hernia may occur less often than hernias in the other departments of the spine, such as the sacral vertebrae of the division of the more solid and durable.

It develops due to a combination of factors, including the degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the infection and inflammation of internal organs, injuries.

When this hernia patient felt a strong pain in my tailbone and lower back, which will give in the sides and in the crotch, strengthen in a sitting position and are not removed from analgesic drugs.


This hernia most often to women, because the most frequent factor causing disease act heavy delivery.

The diseases of the internal organs

Combat sensations in the lower back and the sides in the diseases of the internal organs called secondary. Contrary to the symptoms of diseases of the oporno-impellent device, they are not related to movements or position changes of the body, and are accompanied by disorders of functioning of other body systems.

The disease of the urinary tract

The diseases of the urinary tract, which can cause pain in the hips, include inflammatory diseases and infectious processes of the urinary bladder, formation of stones, obstruction of the ureters.

According to the clinical course of the condition, the unpleasant sensations can be sharp, vary the intensity, and is most often accompanied by disorders of urination, increase in temperature, the weakness in total.

Diseases of the kidney

The characteristics of the pain in the sides in the diseases of the kidneys lies in the fact that they are located a little above the kidney, often have tinea nature, and give in the lower abdomen, the region of the navel, in the groin. Certain diseases of kidney (polycystic, malignant tumors, pyelonephritis) are developing slowly, therefore, accompanied by a strong discomfort, and in kidney pain and obstruction of the ureter, the pain is so intense that sometimes causes the painful shock.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious disease that is characterized by the death of one of the tissues of the body, and their replacement by fibrotic fibers, and often results in death. On the disease process may indicate pain in the lumbar region, this can be tinea nature, but most often localized in the right side, the bitterness in the mouth (in the morning), disorders of defecation and the weight loss.

The pathology of the intestine

The interruption of the functioning of the intestine, gallbladder, pancreas, and other digestive organs manifest the uneasiness brutal nature in the abdomen, the back and sides, but the aggravation of possible diseases from sharp and strong pain.

Generally, they are clearly related to the intake of food (occur on an empty stomach, after a meal or consumption of certain products) and accompanied by abdominal distention, increased gas.

Especially among women

In women the pain in the sides are more often than men, due to anatomical peculiarities of the female body. In the abdominal cavity of the fairer sex, are the reproductive organs, which often causes unpleasant sensations in the pelvic region, and reports of infection and inflammation in them, it most often develops in men.

For the diseases of women

The pain in the sides – is not uncommon for women during the change of hormonal levels, repair of congenital abnormalities (for example, the rejection or the curvature of the uterus).

Other permanent causes of pain – infection, sexual and fibroids, adnexite, endometriosis and other inflammatory processes.

Other symptoms above diseases – disorders of the menstrual cycle, sterility, deterioration of health.


Many women the pain in the sides is the physiological standard for the rules, in this case, it was the pain of character, easy to remove the intake antispasmodics, and is not accompanied by symptoms.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy of discomfort in the sides and the lower back usually occurs after the first trimester, when the growing fetus starts to put pressure on the spine and the internal organs.

In the first weeks of gestation of the child of such a symptom may be a sign of hormonal changes in the body, the weakening of the ligaments and muscles, as well as starting suspension – in this case, the pain of which bear a character-intensive, which is accompanied by bleeding or кровянистыми the secretions of the vagina, weakness and deterioration of the general condition.

After delivery

The sensation of the pain in the lower abdomen, sides and lower back feel all women, without exception, they are part of a process of restoration of the reproductive system. Immediately after delivery, they can be quite strong, but after a few days, disappear gradually, over a period of two to four weeks to disappear completely.

Characteristics in men

The representatives of the male sex the causes of circulation of the pain, the hips, the belly, the groin and the feet have the tendency to become prostate hyperplasia, prostatitis, at least a cystitis and other diseases of the bladder. Among the other events, you can mark the brevity of the secretion of urine, sexual dysfunction and impotence, sexually transmitted diseases, are indicated by a purulent discharge from the urethra.

When the genital infections in men, treatment must pass through the two partners, even in cases where the symptoms of the disease among women are absent.

The processing means

Self-medicate with frequent pains in the sides, it is not recommended, especially if they are accompanied by additional events – all activities can lubricate the picture of the disease, to be more restrictive diagnosis, or aggravate the patient's condition.


Physiotherapy is one way to eliminate the discomfort in disorders of the musculoskeletal and menstrual pain. The exercise must be carried out with caution, do not use the muscles too much, avoiding sudden movements and to enhance the pain syndrome.

In the course of pregnancy and gynecological diseases a good effect to give breathing exercises and yoga, but prior to the course, you should consult your doctor and take into account available contraindications. In addition, you can do a massage – a circular motion, or simply stroll in the open air.


Physiotherapy apply only after the acute period, accompanied by an intense inflammatory and infectious processes, fever and other symptoms, remains behind.

As the procedures of treatment of patients, it is recommended to electrophoresis with various drugs (analgesics, improve nutrition and regeneration of tissues), UHF, magnet therapy, electrical stimulation, mud, paraffin and ozokeritovye applications. The specific method of the impact and the duration of the training determines the physician depending on the characteristics of the clinical evolution of the disease and the general state of the patient.

Pain in the lower back and sides can have different intensity and nature, but in most cases, is an alarming symptom that requires an early diagnosis and treatment.